Elimination of the vehicle pollution tax and its impact on the state's general budget, year 2011 - 2019.

Main Article Content

Henry Alejandro López-Machado
Paola Samira Betancourt-Mero


Environmental taxes are created based on the needs of a society and these are used as a solution to execute projects for the care and maintenance of the environment. The objective of this research work was to determine, through a statistical analysis, the impact of the elimination of the tax on vehicular environmental pollution on the General State Budget. A quantitative methodological approach and a correlational scope with a cross-section were used, based on data collected from the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) and the Automotive Business Association of Ecuador (AEADE), a simple regression analysis was used with its respective graph, as a result a percentage of variability r2 of 3.49% was obtained in the general budget with the vehicle pollution tax respectively. In conclusion, the environmental tax, compared to other taxes, does not have a degree of significance in the general budget of the state, since the income it receives is not as gradual as the global income tax and the value added tax. who represents all general taxes, despite this the elimination of this tax had a minimal economic impact and a strong environmental impact, because at the end of it all; This collection received income to guide and administer them to the sustainability of environmental projects.


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How to Cite
López-Machado , H. ., & Betancourt-Mero , P. . (2024). Elimination of the vehicle pollution tax and its impact on the state’s general budget, year 2011 - 2019. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 474-482. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.5.2599
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Henry Alejandro López-Machado , Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador


I am a specialist in statistics and data mining with 2 years of experience in university teaching and research. So far I have 3 published academic articles of regional impact and 1 Q4 high-impact academic article (in the process of publication). 

Paola Samira Betancourt-Mero , Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador

My internship at the Institution of Internal Revenue Services gave me practical experience in the area of ​​administration where they managed companies such as flower growers, in addition to managing data of elderly and disabled clients. I valued collaborations with classmates and teachers to develop important skills such as teamwork and problem solving. I aspire to apply my knowledge in research to contribute to the advancement of the Accounting and Auditing career. 


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