Assemblages and affections in the management of diabetes mellitus: An approach from the new materialisms and the philosophies of Deleuze and Spinoza

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Eduardo Alberto León


This article explores diabetes mellitus from the perspective of assemblage, using new materialisms and the philosophies of Deleuze and Spinoza as a conceptual framework. Diabetes, as a chronic disease, challenges deterministic notions of relationships by considering the complex interactions between bodies, emotions, and social elements. We adopt the principles of new materialism, overcoming dichotomies between the human and non-human, the physical and the social. I will present some empirical examples illustrating how these relationships influence the management of type 2 diabetes. This methodological approach, based on the ontology of assemblages, provides a dynamic and contextualized understanding of disease management practices.


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How to Cite
León, E. (2024). Assemblages and affections in the management of diabetes mellitus: An approach from the new materialisms and the philosophies of Deleuze and Spinoza . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 21-36.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Eduardo Alberto León , Flacso - Ecuador  

Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, Ottawa University 
Master's Degree in Philosophy and Social Thought, FLACSO-Ecuador 
Master's Degree in Education with a focus on Learning Management through ICT 
Ph.D.  in Sociology, FLACSO-Ecuador 

Currently conducting research on "Contemporary Ontologies." My areas of focus are modern philosophy, ontology, sociology of the senses, aesthetics, poststructuralism, politics, and science. 


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