Incidence of foreign trade taxes on the finances of Ecuador during the period 2019-2023

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Miguel Ángel Granja-Chiriboga
Mayra Emerita Gallegos-Vargas
Rodrigo Antonio Carrión-Aguilar
Felix Cristobal Hablich-Sanchez


The objective of the research is to analyze the impact generated by income from import taxes on the finances of Ecuador, in the years 2019-2023; The variables analyzed allow us to determine the level of tax revenue that the country allocates to financing the General State Budget, coming from taxes applied to imports. The variables that are analyzed are: as a dependent variable, the General State Budget; as an independent variable to import taxes; The selected sample allows us to evaluate the level of dependence that state finances maintain on leveraging income from import commercial activities; considering: the value added tax (VAT), foreign currency outflow tax (ISD) and the special consumption tax (ICE), the indicators that make up the independent variables generate changes in the budget. The method used allows the scheme to be developed to achieve the proposed objective; through documentary and descriptive research, because it includes a process based on the search for information for the comparison of established data, the sources of information that are chosen for the analysis of the research are the statistics published by the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Ecuador, other sources of information provided by researchers who carried out parallel analyzes. The research has a descriptive scope, because it allows us to determine how foreign trade contributes to the leverage of state finances. It explains that the increase in tax collection from taxes applied to imports is a reflection of a growth in imports in the period of analysis.


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How to Cite
Granja-Chiriboga, M. ., Gallegos-Vargas, M. ., Carrión-Aguilar, R. ., & Hablich-Sanchez, F. . (2024). Incidence of foreign trade taxes on the finances of Ecuador during the period 2019-2023. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 817-831.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Granja-Chiriboga, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Doctor in Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Republic of Ecuador, Master in Criminal Law and Criminology, specialist in Criminal Law, Indigenous Justice, Criminal and Criminological Sciences studying the PHD in Law. 

I have 8 years of experience as a professor, instructing classes at different levels at the University of Guayaquil, Vicente Rocafuerte Lay University and the Salesiana Polytechnic University. 

Familiar with various educational philosophies focused on developing various competencies and critical sense in students. 

Mayra Emerita Gallegos-Vargas, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Research professor at the Universidad de Guayaquil, of the Facultad de Ciencias administrativas in the careers of Engineering in Business Management; and Bachelor´s International Business. 

Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and University Master in Business Management and Administration / Master in Business Administration (MBA), with 6 years of teaching experience in subjects related to finance, administration and international business. 

Rodrigo Antonio Carrión-Aguilar, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Research professor at the Universidad de Guayaquil, of the Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas in the Career´s Engineering in Business Management; and Bachelor´s  International Business. 

 Master in International Business and Foreign Trade Management; Economist graduated from the Universidad de Guayaquil, with 23 years of teaching experience in subjects related to foreign trade. 

Felix Cristobal Hablich-Sanchez, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer graduated from the University of Guayaquil, Master in Finance and Corporate Projects; With 10 years of experience in teaching subjects related to the profile of financial management, financial mathematics, corporate finance, business administration, project formulation and evaluation and operations management. Career as a teacher at the University of Guayaquil. Research professor at the University of Guayaquil, on topics related to the profile of his academic training 


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