Strategic management for business development in the child therapy services sector

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Yésica Yesenia Vergara-García
Rosy Alexandra Beltrón-Cedeño


Strategic management is a very effective tool that offers a broad vision to managers to understand the market, the company's position within it and how to adjust the strategic plan to achieve the objectives in the year of operations. Analyzing strategic management mechanisms and their contribution to the development of child therapy service companies operating in the city of Manta, Ecuador, was the objective of the research; through a quantitative approach, documentary analysis method, expert interview techniques and structured survey with 34 questions related to strategic management and business development, categorized into 6 dimensions, scored on a Likert scale, and validated by Cronbach's index, was applied to a sample of 3 managers of this type of companies. The results reflect a very high strategic management in the 3 dimensions analyzed for the children's therapy services sector, as well as a continuous business development of this sector, which is correlated with the strategic management executed by these companies to provide a service to the satisfaction of the users. Concluding in the contribution of strategic management to business development involving as a number one factor in the delivery of the service to the staff, based on an inclusive child therapy service.  


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How to Cite
Vergara-García , Y. ., & Beltrón-Cedeño , R. . (2024). Strategic management for business development in the child therapy services sector . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 664-677.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Yésica Yesenia Vergara-García , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Master's student in Business Administration, Postgraduate Faculty, Technical University of Manabí. Computer Systems Engineer. Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems for Occupational Risk Prevention, Quality, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility.  

Rosy Alexandra Beltrón-Cedeño , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Research Professor of the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Professor of the Master in Business Administration, Graduate School, Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Author of several indexed publications. Commercial Engineer, Master in Business Administration.   


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