Violation of the right to job stability of workers, a vision of Ecuadorian legislation

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Máximo Ortega-Galarza
Hólguer Rodrigo Altamirano-Pérez
Moisés Nikolay Trujillo-Avilés
Pablo Patricio Naranjo-Rodas


The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the stability of workers due to the levels of confinement and, in addition to this, the creation of the Organic Law of Humanitarian Support increased the differences among workers. The general objective was to determine the violation of the workers' right to labor stability through the application and interpretation of the regulations, using for this purpose as a fundamental methodology the qualitative approach under the type of descriptive and documentary research, following a theoretical-explanatory line in the review of material that supports the research such as theses, scientific articles, national newspapers and legal bodies. The methods that allowed the explanation of this critical analysis were deductive, historical and logical. The main result of the research determined that there was a violation of workers' rights, violating the principle of labor stability, as a result of the application of article 169 numeral 6 of the Labor Code, which meant untimely dismissals and the application of the Organic Law of Humanitarian Support by reducing working hours and salary, which caused a negative impact on workers in the economic sense and, according to other authors, in the psychological aspect. 


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How to Cite
Ortega-Galarza, M. ., Altamirano-Pérez, H. ., Trujillo-Avilés, M. ., & Naranjo-Rodas, P. . (2024). Violation of the right to job stability of workers, a vision of Ecuadorian legislation . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 922-932.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Máximo Ortega-Galarza, Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Industrial psychologist by profession, with a master's degree in business administration, for twenty years teaching at several universities in Quito such as UCE, PUCE, UDLA, UNIANDES, UTE, at postgraduate and undergraduate level, held positions in the public sector, Flopec, Ministry of Labor, Navy of Ecuador, SECAP, Ministry of Social Welfare, INEC, SECAP, Ministry of Social Welfare, INEC, with 15 publications in indexed journals, Doctor Honoris Causa, with recognitions by the Commander General of the Navy, Director of the Eugenio Espejo Hospital, friendly networks, har

Hólguer Rodrigo Altamirano-Pérez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico O´Higgins - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Project Management from Universidad Benito Juárez de México. Master in Tax Planning and International Taxation and Specialist in Taxation from Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Economist from the School of Economics of the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Professor of Economics, Accounting and Taxation at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bernardo O'Higgins. Author of 16 scientific articles indexed in different scientific journals in Latindex, Latindex Catalog 2.0 and Scielo platforms. Writer of the book "Proyectos Sociales, un enfoque bajo el aula" and several book chapters in scientific platforms. Extensive experience in topics related to public and private consulting.

Moisés Nikolay Trujillo-Avilés, Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Professional with thirty years of diverse experience in companies of the following sectors: fast-moving consumer goods, operation and maintenance of airports, generation, distribution and commercialization of electrical energy, passenger transport, and university education, including internal and external audit experience in local and multinational companies. In recent years he has worked as a University Professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador, teaching the following subjects: Performance Auditing, Professional Practices, Strategic Foresight, Forensic Audit, Audit Management, and Business Management and Entrepreneurship. He graduated with a Master of Business Administration with a major in International Business, a Postgraduate Diploma in Implementation of Quality Management Systems with ISO Standards, and a Business Engineer degree with a major in Accounting and Auditing at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Additionally, he graduated from the International Executive Programs in Public Administration, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and Business Coaching at Monterrey Institute of Technology.

Pablo Patricio Naranjo-Rodas, Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Executive with more than 10 years of experience in Ecuador, specialist in strategic management positions, opening and development of new markets and commercial management. Guarantee adequate administrative and financial support, support and strengthening for the development of programs and projects of both public and private units. Among my main competencies are business vision and integration, negotiation skills, human resource training, leadership and orientation towards profitability and achievement of results. Research teacher, since 2013 I worked teaching classes in higher education institutions, I was vice-rector (e) of a Public Technical Technological Institute for three years, I joined the Central University of Ecuador and I have carried out 3 investigations within my expertise.


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