Principles of open government that contribute to the transparency of public procurement processes in state-owned enterprises. Unit of Study: E.P. PORTOVIVIENDA

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Héctor Javier Párraga-Rivadeneira
Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano


The main objective of the research is to contextualize the principles of open government that contribute to the transparency of public procurement processes in state-owned enterprises, on the other hand, the research has two specific objectives: 1.- Identify the principles of open government that contribute to transparency in public management, 2.- Reflect on the public procurement processes in Ecuadorian state-owned enterprises. The unit of study selected for the research is the E.P. PORTOVIVIENDA, located in the canton Portoviejo (province of Manabi). The applied methodology starts from the interpretative paradigm with a qualitative and non-experimental approach, its level of depth being descriptive, supported in a documentary /bibliographic research, with a support instrument for the collection of information such as direct observation, which includes the postulates of the grounded theory for the analysis of the findings, with a contribution of the hermeneutic method for the interpretation of the present discourses. Among the findings, three components called slopes are shown: V1.- Open government focused on the transparency of the processes. V2.- Transparency as the driving force of open government. V3.- Public procurement in public companies: A model of transparency from the open government; which allow to find a central category: Open government as a model of transparency for public procurement in public companies; this category turns out to be a future research proposal for the research, and as an additional a good praxis within Ecuadorian public companies, especially for the E.P. PORTOVIVIENDA. 


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How to Cite
Párraga-Rivadeneira, H. ., & Mantuano-Zambrano, Y. (2024). Principles of open government that contribute to the transparency of public procurement processes in state-owned enterprises. Unit of Study: E.P. PORTOVIVIENDA . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 398-414.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Héctor Javier Párraga-Rivadeneira, Universidad Pontificia Católica Del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in Psychological Sciences and Vocational Counselor, Diploma in Sustainable Urban Mobility. Currently Manager of the Municipal Public Housing Company of the Portoviejo Canton, Portovivienda E.P. I have been Advisor to the Assembly Member on two occasions, administrative assistant to the assembly and manager of the Legislative House, Director of Drinking Water and Sanitation in the GAD of Santa Ana, Office Advisor in the Mayor's Office of Santa Ana. Advisor in the Mayor's Office of the GAD 24 de Mayo and Institutional Management Coordinator of the same GAD. I was an official of the National Transit Agency, National Electoral Council, Supreme Electoral Tribunal.

Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Phd in Management from the University of Yacambú in Venezuela; Master in Public Administration, Lawyer expert in Public Law, Expert in Public Contracting of the Judiciary Council, Legal Advisor of the Public Company Manabí Produce E.P., He has held various public positions in entities such as BanEcuador, the National Telecommunications Council of Ecuador, the Provincial Government of Manabí, and the Joint Enterprise of Potable Water of the Cantons Junin, Bolivar, Tosagua, Sucre and San Vicente. He has written several scientific articles for the magazine 593 Digital Publisher CEIT.


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