Water governance as a strategic management tool for the Provincial and Cantonal GADS of Ecuador. Unit of study: Provincial Government of Manabí

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Denisse Alexandra Marcillo-Barahona
Estefanía Monserrate Vélez-Moreira


This research work with a qualitative approach has as its main objective to analyze the Governance of the provincial water sector of Manabí and the different Cantonal Gad 2023-2024 with the purpose of understanding the correct management of the water resource and the powers established according to the current regulatory framework in the Code. Organization of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization (COOTAD). To achieve this, this study adopts a descriptive analytical scope through the search for information, with techniques such as semi-structured interviews with groups of informants. In addition, the competencies will be reviewed in accordance with current regulations (COOTAD) related to the use of water resources of the Provincial Government of Manabí and the different Cantonal GADs, to then define the causes of the competencies related to the use of water resources by of the provincial government of Manabí and the different cantonal GADs, once analyzed and through the triangulation of information, the relationship between the powers of the current regulations (COOTAD) and the internal and external actors towards adequate governance management will be determined, with the above Exposed, the reasons why there is confusion of powers on the part of the Provincial Government of Manabí and the different cantonal GADs would be evident, considering that in many of the cantonal GADs they do not meet this need and the Provincial Government of Manabí is turned to without correct address, having as a premise that this is not the direct responsibility of the GPM but of the different cantonal GADs. 


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How to Cite
Marcillo-Barahona , D., & Vélez-Moreira , E. . (2024). Water governance as a strategic management tool for the Provincial and Cantonal GADS of Ecuador. Unit of study: Provincial Government of Manabí. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 286-299. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.4.2520
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Denisse Alexandra Marcillo-Barahona , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Professional in Hydraulic Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - Quito. She is studying two postgraduate degrees, one at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador – Manabí, in Public Administration and the other at the University of Bari. Italy in Business Management and Administration with a mention in Environment. She is a public official of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Province of Manabí (GADPM) in the development planning department. She was in charge of the well construction, equipment and maintenance team in the decentralized autonomous government of the Province of Manabí (GADPM) in the Irrigation and Drainage direction during the years 2022-2023. 

Estefanía Monserrate Vélez-Moreira , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Professional in Tourism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - Quito. He has two postgraduate degrees: one in Tourism Management and Management with a Major in Tourist Destination Management completed at the Postgraduate University Institute – Spain and another in Public Administration with a Major in Institutional Development from the Universidad Tecnológica América. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate at UCO, she has been a professor at PUCE Manabí since 2013, she was Director of Public and International Relations and current Director of Students. 


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