Analysis of perceptions and preferences of food and beverage consumers in coffee shops in Ambato city

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Rebeca Andrea Zambrano-Real
Edisson Andrés Frias-Pérez
Renato Renee López-Flores


In Ecuador the food and beverage sector is an activity of high demand and that drives the economic advancement of the country that according to data from the SRI (internal revenue services) (SRI, 2022) in the year 2021 was recorded a collection by activity of $115,104,005 of dollars, 13% more in the year 2020; however, in 2019 was recorded a total collection of the sector of $134. 896,344 of dollars, 17% more than in the year 2022, indicating that the food sector has not recovered its economic stability in its entirety, prior to the economic and social events that reflected a drastic change in all sectors categorized as non-strategic.
Although it is true that the slow global recovery of this sector impacts in relation to its income, it is gradually recovering its stability, which implies that the actors of this sector should seek strategies and actions that generate competitive advantages, and that allow one or more actors to stand out, using the research of the factors of choice and tastes and preferences of a typical consumer so that the actions are more efficient, in an increasingly competitive environment and in a sector that is slowly recovering.
The development of research with the criteria and variables associated with consumer behavior is extensive, and its foundations are associated with field research that allow standardizing and regulating intervening factors at the time of decision making.
The present research focused on the analysis of tastes and preferences of consumers of food and beverages specifically directed to cafeterias establishments, provides an overview of some criteria considered by the researcher and evaluated through a quantifiable and measurable instrument, of how is the behavior of the typical consumer with respect to the intervening factors at the time of decision making and on their consumption habits.
The analysis is based on the conceptualization of the variables and the findings in an interpretative manner, relating the field research with such information and marketing concepts; expanding the vision to take definitions on consumer behavior in the frequency of purchase, purchase motivators, product preferences, the competitive environment against which the sector will have to consider its participation, and define thanks to the research a consumer profile for coffee shops in the city of Ambato.



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How to Cite
Zambrano-Real , R. ., Frias-Pérez , E. ., & López-Flores , R. . (2024). Analysis of perceptions and preferences of food and beverage consumers in coffee shops in Ambato city. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 678-687.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Rebeca Andrea Zambrano-Real , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Faculty member of Administration Business School in “Universidad Técnica de Ambato”. Master in marketing, with 15 years of professional experience in different companies, holding positions in commercial and marketing areas. Specialized in marketing, commercial management, market strategy development, new products, innovation, and communication strategies. 

Edisson Andrés Frias-Pérez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I completed my studies at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at "Universidad Técnica de Ambato", with a degree in Marketing and Business Management. Additionally, I pursued a Master's degree in Human Talent Management, whose insights have been a greqt source of knowledge in my professional performance. 


I have had the opportunity to hold various roles, including General Services Analyst, Admissions Analyst, and Human Talent Management Responsible at the Ambato General Hospital. These responsibilities have enabled me to effectively apply the knowledge obtained during my academic formation and develop strong skills in human resources management and good networking. 



I am convinced that continuous preparation and constant learning are essential for professional and personal growth. Currently, I have the privilege of working as a professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato, where I can share my knowledge and experiences with future generations, thus contributing to the academic and professional development of our students. 

Renato Renee López-Flores , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Marketing engineer graduated from the Technical University of Ambato, with a master's degree in Digital Marketing from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Marketing manager at Baldoré, with a solid experience in successfully leading product launch campaigns and brand positioning strategies. 


As a teacher, I teach classes at the Technical University of Ambato and at the Edupraxis Technological Institute, where I share my practical experience and knowledge in marketing, guiding future professionals in the field. 


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Referencias electrónicas:

Revista Vistazo, (2022) “Top of mind 2022: Las marcas más recordadas por los ecuatorianos”. 9 de julio 2022.


INEC Ecuador, Censo de vivienda, población y comunidades (2022).


SRI Ecuador, Servicio de Rentas Internas (2022).
