Methodological tool for the identification, weighting and evaluation of determining factors in the performance of business ventures. Case: Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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Jorge Luis Loáiciga-Gutiérrez
Juan José Cabello-Eras


This article focuses on the identification of the determining factors of the performance of business ventures, considering the province of Guanacaste as a case study in Costa Rica through the development of a methodological tool to weight and evaluate them and to guide the development of strategies. A quantitative approach was proposed, with data collected through Likert-type surveys in a sample of 468 ventures and the use of the Delphi technique to 150 experts with SPSS Statistic Software analysis. A PLS-SEM structural equation model is considered to validate hypotheses. The result allowed the identification of 47 factors grouped into 4 dimensions; dimension of Human Capital Factors (FCh), dimension of Psychological Factors (FPsi), dimension of Endogenous Factors (FEnd) and dimension of Exogenous Factors (FExo) that evaluate the success of the performance of ventures with formality characteristics, weighted through the process analytical hierarchical system (AHP) contributing to Costa Rican public policy decision-making.


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How to Cite
Loáiciga-Gutiérrez , J., & Cabello-Eras , J. . (2024). Methodological tool for the identification, weighting and evaluation of determining factors in the performance of business ventures. Case: Guanacaste, Costa Rica. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 225-236.
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Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Loáiciga-Gutiérrez , Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica - Costa Rica

Master project Management from the University for International Cooperation (UCI) - Costa Rica. Candidate for Doctor in Projects with a Specialty in Research from the International Ibero-American University (UNIB) Puerto Rico - EE.UU. Teacher and graduate of the School of Administration from the National University of Costa Rica, Chorotega Regional, Campus Liberia. It has national and international publications in countries such as: Mexico, Peru, Brazil, United Kingdom and Germany. Extensionist and researcher participating in the Academic Activity Development of Business Capacities in Organizations Linked to the Agroproductive Sector in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. He has participated in social projects on entrepreneurship and employability issues with entrepreneurs. Municipality of Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Academic/tutor responsible for more than 85 projects 2020-2024 implemented from teaching with the National University of Costa Rica. 

Juan José Cabello-Eras , Universidad de Córdoba - España

Academic, Link to university teaching and research since 1987 in Engineering Faculties of Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, Canada and Belgium in the following areas: Mechanical Design, Calculation of Machine Elements, Tribology, Mechanics of Materials, Oleohydraulics and Pneumatics, Application of Cleaner Production in Industries and Service Institutions, Water Management, Energy Management and Reduction, Waste Management and Sustainability Studies, has 84 scientific publications in journals in the Scopus Database reaching a H index of 21. 

( , he is a Doctor in Technical Sciences and Senior Researcher. Full Professor at the University of Córdoba. He has served as: Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cienfuegos, Rector of the University of Cienfuegos, Vice Minister of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba, Deputy Rector of the Veracruzano Institute of Higher Education in Mexico, Director of the Study Center in Energy and Environment from the University of Cienfuegos and Dean


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