Artificial intelligence: Uses in the basic education

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Telly Yarita Macías-Zambrano
Leonardo Fabio Plaza-Timaran
Wilber Efrén Mina-Valencia
Ángel Flavio Chévez-Vargas


Artificial intelligence can mimic human capabilities to provide information that facilitates the development of some activities. The objective of the study was to determine the implementation of artificial intelligence as an educational resource in the Ernesto Vera Cedeño Educational Unit of Rocafuerte canton. The methodology used was a mixed approach, non-experimental design of descriptive level, the application of interview and survey techniques to a non-probabilistic intentional sample of 15 teachers, whose inclusion criteria required being a teacher of second to seventh year of general basic education, 2 years in the institution and their consent to answer the questionnaire, the interview to a professional, the documentary review and the analytical method to support the discussion. As results, 93% of teachers who use artificial intelligence to support the teaching-learning process in activities such as tutoring, monitoring and questionnaires, achieving time savings in class preparation, administrative activities and obtaining ideas for planning, benefits such as support in personalized educational content, inspiration to prepare classes. Concluding that it is the human mind that has the capacity of discernment that artificial intelligence systems do not have, although they can simulate them, being essential that the teacher corroborates the information provided to use it as a support resource for the exercise of teaching-learning, without neglecting the exercise of his mind continuously, in a positive way for all educational actors.


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How to Cite
Macías-Zambrano , T. ., Plaza-Timaran , L., Mina-Valencia , W. ., & Chévez-Vargas , Ángel . (2024). Artificial intelligence: Uses in the basic education . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 1167-1178.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Telly Yarita Macías-Zambrano , Universidad de Palermo - Argentina

Teacher-researcher. Training coordinator at the International Research Center (CIICEP). Peer reviewer in scientific journals. Reviewer of external degree works in IES. Author of books and several indexed publications. Master in Engineering. PhD candidate in Higher Education.  

Leonardo Fabio Plaza-Timaran , Unidad Educativa Fiscal Chamanga - Ecuador

Teacher at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Chamanga.  Bachelor of Science in Education, Specialty Physical Culture. 

Wilber Efrén Mina-Valencia , Unidad Educativa Fiscal Chamanga - Ecuador

Teacher at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Chamanga.  Bachelor's Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision. 

Ángel Flavio Chévez-Vargas , Unidad Educativa Fiscal Chamanga - Ecuador

Teacher at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Chamanga. Teacher of Primary Education. 


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