Emprendimiento de producción y comercialización del Pantalón para mujeres que manejan o son acompañantes de motos

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Liz Báez
Katherine Caiza
Grace Santacruz
Luis Vilcasama


The emprendimiento arises during the process of education – learning university student, where the rules are given to create sustainable projects, for which, there takes the initiative to create a garment (pants) comfortable and easy to use on the part of the feminine genre, which will facilitate the mobilization in motorcycle without stopping using clothes feminine (skirts, garments, etc.), therefore, is named to the product as “MOTOPANT’S“, due to the MOTORBIKE combination for the motorcycles and PANT’S of pants in the English language.


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How to Cite
Báez, L., Caiza, K., Santacruz, G., & Vilcasama, L. (2017). Emprendimiento de producción y comercialización del Pantalón para mujeres que manejan o son acompañantes de motos. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 2(3), 37-47. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/25


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