Effective strategies for learning the English language in high school

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Jorge Alfonso Apunte-Pupiales
Erika Alexandra Atis-Chapi


The present study focuses on analyzing the impact of pedagogical practices on the academic performance of third-year high school students in the area of ​​English. The main objective is to identify strategies that improve the oral, written, listening and reading skills in English of third-year high school students, seeking to provide a practical and adaptive framework for the implementation of these strategies in the 11 de Julio Educational Unit. . The research is carried out using a cross-sectional qualitative approach, collecting data through observations, interviews and documentary analysis. The study population included 39 students majoring in Computer Science. The implementation of strategies such as gamification, use of constructivist techniques and promotion of participation in collaborative activities has generated significant progress in the four English skills, proving to be highly effective, considering that a significant increase in participation was observed, as well as notable improvements in oral, written, listening and reading skills in the English language. In this sense, the results are supported by figures that indicate specific progress in each linguistic skill. The conclusions highlight the positivism of the students towards the methodologies used, highlighting the importance of adapting teaching to the preferences and needs of the current generation, thus ensuring their learning. The proposal for critical evaluation and continuous improvement ensures the sustainability and evolution of the educational process, through innovative strategies, encouraging participation and promoting a stimulating and committed learning environment. 


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How to Cite
Apunte-Pupiales , J. ., & Atis-Chapi , E. . (2024). Effective strategies for learning the English language in high school . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 124-138. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.4.2478
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Jorge Alfonso Apunte-Pupiales , Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil - Ecuador


I am Jorge Apunte, I was born in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. I completed my tertiary studies at the Technological Business University of Guayaquil, where I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Basic Education. I obtained my proficiency in the English language through APTIS CAMBRIA and the ECUADOR HABLA INGLES program, sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador.  

Erika Alexandra Atis-Chapi , Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil - Ecuador



Erika Alexandra Atis Chapi is an educator with a decade of experience in the teaching field. She has worked in prestigious universities and high schools, which has allowed to develop skills and competences to highlight as a versatile and adaptable professor. Furthermore, her participation in events has significantly contributed to both personal and professional growing. Over the course of her career, Erika has demonstrated her passion and commitment in favor of education.  


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