Project-based methodology for English language learning in High School

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Maria Irene Monteverde-Del Rio
Mónica Anabelly Acurio-Recalde


High School students in Ecuador's Fiscal Educational Units have not developed skills in the English foreign language, nor can they recognize environmental problems and contribute with an effective and efficient solutions to them. The application of active communication methodologies such as project-based learning can help solve the problem together with the use of technology, thus contributing to the practice of oral skills to present innovative proposals for a specific project that can be sustainable over time. It is evident the lack of active methodological practices in the country's fiscal institutions, added to the little control in the educational establishments of the application of this type of tools that promote teamwork, hinders the improvement of the quality of education, especially in the subject of English. It is necessary to follow up on the teaching performance and the application of this methodology to generate new challenges in the educational area, especially in high school students, and complete their exit profile successfully in the English language. An article template and instructions on the editorial process and the text, figure, and references format are provided. 

The approach of this study is qualitative with a descriptive scope of the content for which the previous bibliography on the proposed topic is used, making a review of the literature on the project-based methodology (MBP) and its influence on the development of oral communication in the English language in the students. 


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How to Cite
Monteverde-Del Rio , M. ., & Acurio-Recalde , M. . (2024). Project-based methodology for English language learning in High School . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 102-114.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Maria Irene Monteverde-Del Rio , Language On - Ecuador

Coordinadora de admisiones para una cadena de colegios en Estados Unidos. Preparadora de inglés para varias editoriales y profesora universitaria. Magister en Educación Administrativa. 

Mónica Anabelly Acurio-Recalde , Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

Docente de Educación General Básica perteneciente al MINEDUC, maestra de Escuela de Educación Básica, Magíster en Gestión y Desarrollo Social por la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Máster Universitaria en Intervención Social en las Sociedades del Conocimiento otorgado por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (España)  docente Universitaria de Posgrados en Educación de la Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil.  



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