Therapeutic physical exercises for the inclusion of students with lower limb discrepancy in physical education class

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Frank Manuel Peñafiel-Labanda
Dilo Patricio Guilcamaigua-Toapanta
Antonio Ricardo Rodríguez-Vargas


The present study was developed with the objective of designing a program of therapeutic physical exercises for the inclusion of students with lower limb dysmetria in the Physical Education class. The research design for the validation of the proposal was based on a mixed research approach, applying a pre-experimental intervention and a phenomenological design for systematization of experiences. The study sample was 13 students from a parallel group made up of 12 conventional students and 1 student with a diagnosis of dysmetria in their lower limbs, who presents a certain degree of difficulty in performing physical exercises and maintains full independence during their daily care. Observation was the quantitative technique applied, through a Pre and a Post-test during the application of the proposal to determine the degree of educational inclusion. The didactic strategy was based on the implementation of therapeutic physical exercises, taking into account their level of motor ability, coordination and resistance, in a differentiated way that takes into account the interests, motivations and expectations of the enjoyment of performing the physical exercises. The results of the pre-experiment allowed us to identify an improvement to 96% of acceptance and satisfaction for performing physical exercises, compared to the 32% that the student demonstrated at the beginning, in addition, recommendations were issued for its planning, execution and monitoring, evidencing the validity of the designed proposal. It is concluded that the program contributes to the inclusion of students with lower limb dysmetria in Physical Education classes effectively, which is recommended to be applied by teachers for inclusive and well-being purposes. 


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How to Cite
Peñafiel-Labanda , F. ., Guilcamaigua-Toapanta , D. ., & Rodríguez-Vargas , A. . (2024). Therapeutic physical exercises for the inclusion of students with lower limb discrepancy in physical education class . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 1125-1138.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Frank Manuel Peñafiel-Labanda , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Systems Analysis Technologist 

Bachelor of Science in Education with a mention in Computer Science. 

Tax teacher with three years of experience in the area of Physical Education. 

Dilo Patricio Guilcamaigua-Toapanta , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador / Instituto de Seguridad Social de las Fuerzas Armadas (ISFFAA) - Ecuador.

Bachelor of Education Sciences, mention in technical education 

Teacher in the Educational Units of the Armed Forces 

Military instructor in the Ecuadorian Air Force schools (for 29 years)   

Antonio Ricardo Rodríguez-Vargas , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador / Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Systems Analysis Technologist  

Bachelor of Science in Education, with a mention in Computer Science. 

Post-doctorate in scientific education and training. 

PhD in Physical Culture Sciences 

Bachelor of Physical Culture  

Undergraduate and Graduate Lecturer  


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