Social representations of childhood in the Lasala y Riglos Children's Institute: Routines, < # >rituals and party times

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Andrea Mabel Fernández
Débora Cecilia Spinosa
Rosana Elizabeth Ponce


This article describes progress of a research process that focuses on understanding the process of configuration of representations about childhood in the Mercedes Lasala y Riglos Children's Institute and the educational institutions created in its surroundings, in the period that spans from 1944 to year 2000. It is developed through a qualitative design, conceptual generation (Strauss and Corbin, 2001; Rigal Sirvent, 2010). Its objectives are to begin the reconstruction, based on documents and testimonies, the process of inauguration, development and closure of the Lasala y Riglos Children's Institute and the Teacher Training Institute that operates there; identify periods in institutional history based on different administrations and establish links between institutional history and public policies aimed at children, incorporating voices of actors who were an active part in different stages of its development. Given its size, this project is being developed in sections. Specifically, in this article we will focus on establishing “periods” or “moments in the journey of institutions” and initial links regarding practices and discourses that contribute to the process of configuring the social representation of childhood.


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How to Cite
Fernández, A., Spinosa, D. ., & Ponce, R. (2024). Social representations of childhood in the Lasala y Riglos Children’s Institute: Routines, < # >rituals and party times . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 590-604.
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Author Biographies

Andrea Mabel Fernández, Universidad Nacional de Moreno / Universidad de Buenos Aires / ISPEI Sara C de Eccleston - Argentina

Doctor in Education (UBA), Master in Educational Psychology (UBA), Graduate and Professor in Education (UBA) and Initial Level Teacher (ISPEI Sara C de Eccleston). She is a teacher and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and the National University of Moreno (UNM). At the National University of Moreno (UNM) she is a regular adjunct professor and teaches the Intervention Project Workshop, belonging to the Bachelor's Degree in Initial Education. At the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UBA) she is a professor of the Educational Research subject of the Bachelor of Science in Education; teaches the seminar Research Methodology and Project Evaluation in the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education. He is part of the Board of Directors of that master's degree. His research focuses on social representations and social-economic notions in children and adults. He also carries out research linked to the teaching of research in undergraduate courses.

Débora Cecilia Spinosa, Universidad Nacional de Moreno / Universidad Nacional de Luján / Universidad Pedagógica / ISFD N°29 -Argentina

Children's educator. Graduate in Initial Education (UNM). Master in Early Childhood Education (UBA). Scholarship researcher (UNM). Teacher and researcher (UNLu) currently holds the position of First Assistant in the subject History and Policy of Early Childhood Education, of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education. JTP in the Teaching Staff of Initial Education at the Pedagogical University (UNIPE) Field Teacher of Teaching Practice of Teachers in Initial and Primary Education at the I.S.F.D N°29.

Rosana Elizabeth Ponce , UNLu / UNM - Argentina

Master in Critical Pedagogies and Socio-educational Problems (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters; UBA). Professor and Graduate in Educational Sciences (UNLu), Professor and Graduate in Initial Education (UNLu). Currently vice dean of the Department of Education. Adjunct Professor at UNLu and Associate Professor at UNM. Professor at other national universities in postgraduate courses (UBA, UNNE, UNLP)

Researcher, director of research projects and scholarships. Author of articles and academic texts



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