The productive economic social model can be consider as a State policy: Case Productive economic social model current in Bolivia during last ten year

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Freddy Milko Balderrama-Medrano


The model socio economic productive, had been setting during ten years in Bolivia, the main proposed it was get the obtain economic stability moreover the goal it reduce basically the high ratios poverty that imperacted in Bolivia, during the last ten years ago the mentioned model implemented in Bolivia, had reduced the level of poverty  of the way significative even been studied international scientific societies in the economic field, in current Bolivia have not  solid state policy  because every time that change the government ( president), immediately issues chances the majority the plans that had made throughout his mandate, therefore there are not along serios State Policy in Bolivia jut only the are government plans, for get better the life level and image of state.   


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How to Cite
Balderrama-Medrano , F. (2024). The productive economic social model can be consider as a State policy: Case Productive economic social model current in Bolivia during last ten year . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 902-917.
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Author Biography

Freddy Milko Balderrama-Medrano , Escuela Militar de Ingeniería - Bolivia

  • Senior Officer of the Bolivian Army with the rank of Colonel. 
  •  Commercial Engineer with RNI Registration. 98.763 
  • Lawyer with specializing in criminal law “University Mayor of San Simon” working as prosecutor. 
  • Diploma in Advanced National Studies (DAEN), Postgraduate Diploma from the Military University "Mcal. Bernardino Bilbao Rioja. 
  • Magister Scientiarum in Business Administration (EMI) 
  • Magister Scientiarum in Security, Defense and Development (EAEN) Military University “Mcal. Bernardino Bilbao Rioja. 
  • Magister Scientiarum (Master in Business Administration – Executive MBA), issued by the CESTE University Center International Business School Zaragoza-Spain, (Certification in process). 


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