What is a dignified death?

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Jorge Iván Rengel-Maldonado


What is dignified death? What are the different perspectives on dignified death? What are the ethical implications of providing a person with the right to a dignified death? Can death lack this fundamental aspect of dignity?

Death is the end of existence, not only for humans but for every creature that has what we call life; that is lively and self-sufficient. However, there may come a time in human existence when life ceases to be what it was due to an extreme situation, such as illness or an accident, and becomes a tortuous path to travel, not only for those who are affected but also for those close to them. The conditions in which it develops are no longer the same as they were before having suffered the disease or accident. It is at this moment that the idea of a dignified death appears.

This is an important and controversial issue, both for personal and medical ethics, and it also involves aspects inherent in the legislation of many countries. The concept of dignified death refers to the right of a person to maintain control over the circumstances surrounding their death, especially in situations of terminal illness or extreme suffering, which are unforeseeable events.

The idea of a dignified death is an extension of the concept of dignified life, which emphasizes that people should maintain their dignity and freedom until the end of their existence.

This article is based on the topic of dignified death and its implications for life and human rights.


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How to Cite
Rengel-Maldonado, J. . (2024). What is a dignified death?. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 864-879. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2409
Artículos de revisión
Author Biography

Jorge Iván Rengel-Maldonado, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Ecuador


He is a professor at the Salesian Polytechnic University, Quito campus, where he directs the Law Career program. 

He teaches courses on Theory of the State and Constitution, Individual Labor Law, and Social Security at the university. 

Currently, he is pursuing a doctoral degree in Legal and Political Sciences at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain. 

The lines of research are: 

Constitutional Law – Human Rights 


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