Internet of Things bandwidth consumption in home connections

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Limber Cruz Briones-Velez
Kenny Orlando Suasti Alcivar


Accelerated advances in information technologies mean that we are experiencing one of the greatest revolutions in history called the Internet of Things (IoT). The wide variety of sensors and smart things connected on any network, which allows users to connect billions of smart machines and exchange information, monitor and control services, such as interconnected home automation systems, healthcare, agriculture, monitoring security, electrical networks or critical services. Many of these devices consume the bandwidth of the internet data plan, especially when we are on home networks, which in situations where we do not have an internet data plan that can satisfy the needs of all the devices and cause discomfort to household members.


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How to Cite
Briones-Velez, L. ., & Suasti-Alcivar, K. . (2024). Internet of Things bandwidth consumption in home connections . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 852-861.
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

Limber Cruz Briones-Velez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Portoviejo - Ecuador 9534

Technologist in system analysis and computer systems engineer, student at the Portoviejo Higher Technological Institute in the technological master's degree applied to business.

Kenny Orlando Suasti Alcivar, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Portoviejo - Ecuador

Computer Systems Engineer
Systems Analysis Technologist


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