Mirror analysis of the exports of the most important products of Ecuador and Peru 2018-2022 and their impact on the CAN Trade Balance

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Daniela Ivanova Arévalo-Morocho
Lester David Maldonado-Mora
Kelvin Howard Pizarro-Romero


The need to carefully study trade relations between nations is an imperative task. In this sense, this research examines the mirror analysis of the exports of the most important products of Ecuador and Peru 2018-2022 and their impact on the CAN Trade Balance. It is explained that the central problem addressed by the study revolves around the impact of the concentration of exports between Ecuador and Peru in specific products on the CAN trade balance, highlighting the need to diversify exports to strengthen the economic stability and financial resilience of the region. Thus, the main objective is to study the foreign trade of Ecuador and Peru, through a mirror statistical analysis of the most important trade products, in order to identify their impact on the trade balance of the Andean Community in the period 2018-2022. A longitudinal statistical approach is adopted, due to the fact that both quantitative and qualitative data are collected to evaluate through reliable research sources such as the Central Bank of Ecuador, Central Reserve Bank of Peru, trade map, books, magazines and research articles. In this way, non-experimental descriptive statistics are used for the three most exported products between Ecuador and Peru in the period from 2018-2022. Finally, the statistical results reveal a high concentration of exports in specific products, such as crude oil for Ecuador and minerals such as copper and gold for Peru. This concentration exposes both countries to international price volatility, which poses risks to economic stability. Although the results have a positive impact on the CAN's trade balance due to the trade flow exchange, it also demonstrates the accuracy of adopting coordinated measures to reduce dependence on specific products.


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How to Cite
Arévalo-Morocho , D., Maldonado-Mora , L. ., & Pizarro-Romero , K. . (2024). Mirror analysis of the exports of the most important products of Ecuador and Peru 2018-2022 and their impact on the CAN Trade Balance. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 1025-1037. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.6.2374
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Daniela Ivanova Arévalo-Morocho , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Finishing the eighth semester of the Foreign Trade career at the Technical University of Machala. I have attended trainings about international logistics, international business and marketing for my academic, professional and labor development. Persistent and proactive. 

Lester David Maldonado-Mora , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am an eighth-semester student majoring in International Business with a solid academic background and a proactive approach to professional development. My academic journey has focused on acquiring specialized knowledge in international trade, logistics, and negotiation. 

Kelvin Howard Pizarro-Romero , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Teacher at the Technical University of Machala, Faculty of Business Sciences, careers in Foreign Trade, Economics, Accounting, Business Administration. Graduated as Engineer in Banking and Finance, Master in Business Administration with Mention in International Business, Graduated as Doctor in Mathematics and Statistics, Publication of several scientific articles. Lectures and Conferences held in various forums in National and International Congresses, Thesis Advisor. Trajectory and experience in the business and financial field in National and International Private Companies, Board of Directors in State Institution, Advising for the constitution of Companies. For more than 16 years in the public and private financial system of Ecuador. 


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