Institutional violence in the disciplinary procedure of the National Police of Ecuador: a case study

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Erika Daniela Garzón-Carrera


This academic essay reviews theoretically and legally the definition of gender violence, as well as the types that occur depending on its manifestations. Based on this, it identifies as cases of gender violence, certain disciplinary offenses contained in the Organic Code of Citizen Security and Public Order Entities, a legal norm that supports the disciplinary regime of the National Police of Ecuador. By doing so, it recognizes the existence of a victim in the administrative disciplinary procedure that is carried out in said institution, due to the commission of any of these disciplinary offenses by one of its members; victim who is not legally admitted at present, which is why, in a normalized manner, institutional violence occurs that is seen through revictimization and impunity when these cases occur; aspects that are demonstrated in this document, statistically and through the analysis of a case study. Finally, several factors are examined that must be considered by those involved in the administrative disciplinary procedure of the National Police of Ecuador to avoid the exercise of this form of violence, ensuring at all times the rights of the victim and thus harmonizing the relationship that is forged between it and the agents of the State.


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How to Cite
Garzón-Carrera, E. . (2024). Institutional violence in the disciplinary procedure of the National Police of Ecuador: a case study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 150-173.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Erika Daniela Garzón-Carrera , Policía Nacional del Ecuador - Ecuador

My academic titles are: 

Master in National Security and Defense. 


Graduate in Police Sciences 

I belong to the National Police of Ecuador 


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