Historical trajectory, exponents and perspectives of systems thinking: an integrative review

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Ximena Alejandrina Salazar-Guamán


Given the vast and scattered theoretical production on systems thinking, this article presents an integrative review of its historical-conceptual trajectory. Through an exhaustive analysis of specialized literature, it outlines the transition from the Cartesian mechanistic paradigm towards organicist and holistic approaches to understand adaptive complex systems, identifying its roots in 20th century biology, ecology, cybernetics and quantum physics. It highlights the seminal contributions of von Bertalanffy with his General Systems Theory, Wiener with cybernetics, Ashby with modern cybernetics and Forrester with system dynamics. It also examines subsequent derivations towards complexity, emphasizing interdisciplinary contributions from European exponents such as Prigogine, Morin, Luhmann; North Americans like Simon, Holland, Kauffman; Latin Americans such as Maturana, Varela, García; Asians such as Mesarovic, Takahara; and Africans like Juma. The study enables systematizing connections between fragmented theoretical schools and contemporary trends under a unified framework. The findings provide useful historical and conceptual foundations to guide future research on systems thinking and complexity.


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How to Cite
Salazar-Guamán , X. (2024). Historical trajectory, exponents and perspectives of systems thinking: an integrative review. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 297-311. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2352
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Ximena Alejandrina Salazar-Guamán , Universidad de Cuenca - Ecuador


Architect from the University of Cuenca, Master in Territorial Planning from the University of Cuenca and doctoral candidate in the Doctoral Program in Territorial Planning and Sustainable Development at the National University of Cuyo – Argentina. She is a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning and a member of the Territorium Research Group at the University of Cuenca. Her lines of research are framed in urban and territorial studies and the systemic approach applied to the city and the territory. 


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