Vocational Guidance Strategy for the motivation towards the study of technical professions in the children of dysfunctional high school families.

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Jonathan Patricio Lucas-Bermúdez
Gabriel Rodolfo García-Murillo


The main objective of this research article is to create a vocational guidance strategy design for high school students who are close to completing their secondary education studies, which will help in decision making for choosing professional careers with a technical profile. . The research was carried out on 115 third-year high school students from the Charapotó Educational Unit, the type of research used was descriptive with a mixed approach, the methods used were theoretical, empirical and mathematical or statistical, in addition, techniques such as observation and surveys with their respective instruments. The vocational choice is a very important decision for each adolescent since their professional life plan and subsequent insertion into the labor market will depend on this. Adolescents experience many changes on an emotional level, which is why it is necessary for them to have clear goals, guided by a teacher or family counseling specialist, and supported by their family. According to the tutors of the 5 parallels of the Third High School of the Charapotó Educational Unit, there are many adolescents who do not continue their higher education due to lack of vocational interest and scarce economic resources. Therefore, in the process of applying this action plan, several factors interacted that determined the status of each student when choosing their career. The most relevant results constitute a pedagogical model, which is an expression of the components that make it up based on the dimensions and factors that promote professional orientation and that lead to the determination of regularity. Likewise, it is recognized that, in this particular context, vocational guidance must be personalized, practical and highly motivating to overcome possible family barriers and challenges.


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How to Cite
Lucas-Bermúdez, J. ., & García-Murillo , G. . (2024). Vocational Guidance Strategy for the motivation towards the study of technical professions in the children of dysfunctional high school families. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 121-136. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2336
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Author Biographies

Jonathan Patricio Lucas-Bermúdez , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

General practitioner by profession, currently a student of the Specialization in Integral Family Orientation at the Graduate School of the Technical University of Manabi. 

Faculty of the Technical University of Manabí. Portoviejo, Ecuador and student of the Master in Health Services Management at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil. 

Gabriel Rodolfo García-Murillo , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


I am currently working as a Professor at the Technical University of Manabí.  Vice-Dean of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences (Mathematics and Physics) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences. 

Master in Telecommunications Administration from the University of Guayaquil (2012). 

Systems Analyst from the Faculty of Computer Science (2006). 

Bachelor of Science in Education (2002). 

Specialty studies in:  Costa Rica, Mexico, Europe. 

Professor at the Technical University of Manabí since 1998. 

My research interests include improving and democratizing access to education through virtual learning environments. 


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