El Effect of tax obligations on the profitability of savings and credit cooperatives established in Portoviejo.

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Gabriela Guadalupe Moreira-García


The study focuses on the impact of tax obligations on savings and credit cooperatives in Portoviejo, Ecuador, highlighting their significance in local communities and how these tax responsibilities affect their profitability and service capacity. The methodology involves an extensive review of literature and legal documents to explore the tax regulations affecting these cooperatives, coupled with a qualitative approach to analyze their impact on profitability. The results indicate a significant impact of tax obligations on the profitability and operations of these cooperatives, limiting their ability to provide optimal financial services. A direct decrease in profitability and limitations in service provision to members are observed. The conclusions highlight the complexity of the relationship between tax obligations and the economic sustainability of these cooperatives. Multiple tax obligations are identified, ranging from potential tax exemptions to the application of variable rates on net assets, emphasizing the need to understand and manage these tax burdens to ensure the viabil


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How to Cite
Moreira-García , G. . (2024). El Effect of tax obligations on the profitability of savings and credit cooperatives established in Portoviejo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 405-415. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2328
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Gabriela Guadalupe Moreira-García , Instituto Tecnologico Superior Paulo Emilio Macias - Ecuador

I am a student about to graduate from the Taxation program at the Paulo Emilio Macías Higher Technological Institute. I am in the final phase of my academic training, on the verge of completing my studies and applying the knowledge I have acquired throughout my educational journey. 


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