Leasing and Renting as a financing strategy used by vehicle leasing companies in the city of Guayaquil

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Ericka Sugey Salazar-Cedeño


The aim of the research is to analyze leasing and renting as a financing strategy used by vehicle leasing companies in the city of Guayaquil, in which it is decided that both leasing and renting are financing options that generate advantages for the companies. leasing companies. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling is used, which allows the number of companies to be surveyed to be arbitrarily selected. The variables that make up the research are as a means of financing (leasing and renting) and vehicle leasing companies. 15 companies were surveyed, of which 13 responded, for which closed questions were used. It was decided that the use of renting and leasing increases the level of liquidity, companies are freed from bank financial obligations that finance the purchase of vehicles in specific periods. The study shows that among the best financing options with the lowest cost used by vehicle lessors are leasing and renting; The companies that finance the contracts handle buying the vehicles and the lessors only pay the fee for use without constituting a financial obligation that affects the company's financial statements. 


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How to Cite
Salazar-Cedeño, E. . (2024). Leasing and Renting as a financing strategy used by vehicle leasing companies in the city of Guayaquil . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 495-510. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2319
Artículos de revisión
Author Biography

Ericka Sugey Salazar-Cedeño, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Business Management Engineer graduated from the University of Guayaquil, with 19 years of experience in the public sector, Ministry of Public Health, technical control analyst, review and rates. MIES project technician, supervisory CTE 


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