Assertive communication between parents and children in the psychosocial development of adolescents: A perspective from teaching

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Grace Ivonne Lavoie
Mireya Stefanía Zúñiga-Delgado


The objective of the research was to determine the impact of assertive communication between parents and adolescents on psychosocial development from teaching, through mixed research to improve the family relationship of adolescents in their 1st year of high school at a Private Bilingual School. It was a descriptive and non-experimental research. The population and sample were divided by the techniques used, the first being interviews directed at the vice-rector and psychologist of the educational unit and surveys with a sample of 40 students and 20 parents. Among the results, the vice-rector has shown that communication between parents and adolescent children is deficient, either due to fights and arguments; There is little interest in participating in activities promoted by the educational unit. The psychologist stated that socio-emotional interviews are carry out. In a case of conflict found, they carry out a family approach. It was also found that parents and adolescents have different perceptions about family communication, where the former said excellent (35%) and good (65%), and for the latter it was average (20%) and bad (8%). Parents also believe 100% that workshops were held in the educational unit to promote assertive family communication, while the minors' opinions were divided (yes 40%, maybe 40% and no 20%). Improving family communication by making it assertive is very important for the relationship between parents and children, carrying out workshops that link them and that the educational unit is the conciliatory axis. 


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How to Cite
Lavoie , G. ., & Zúñiga-Delgado , M. . (2024). Assertive communication between parents and children in the psychosocial development of adolescents: A perspective from teaching. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 762-775.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Grace Ivonne Lavoie , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Bachelor of Pedagogy, Charles Darwin International University - CDIU - Miami - Florida - USA. Bachelor of Education, Bolivarian University of Ecuador - UBE. English teacher with more than 14 years of experience. Teacher of different levels of elementary, middle, and high school studies in work areas of Language Arts, FCE and English B., Bilingual private teacher.

Mireya Stefanía Zúñiga-Delgado , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences from the Universidad de Oriente of Cuba. Master in Educational Management and Engineering in Computerized Administrative Systems. Research Professor with 23 years of experience in higher education.


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