Merchandising: an invisible factor in the touristic sector

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Erika Fernanda Muso-Guagchinga
Marcelo Javier Mancheno-Saá
Hernán Mauricio Quisimalín-Santamaría


The tourism sector is one of the main economic sources of our country, also it generates work for many families and thousands of people, in this way there are 137,647 people provide services in tourist establishments, thus the 52.8% are men, while the 47.2% belongs to women. This sector is very dynamic, and contributes the 1.5% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The purpose of this research is mainly based on characterizing the term merchandising in the Tungurahua province, to identify its relationship with the offices of travel agencies, and the way in which they transmit an adequate image of the brand so that it encourages the purchase. The research method was carried out through two approaches, qualitative and quantitative, the first refers to a documentary or bibliographic investigation, while, the second refers to a field investigation, implemented through two research instruments; the traveling agencies and consumers or tourists. From the analysis carried out, it was observed that the social dimension stands out at the point of sale, since the behavior of tourism agents and customers are transcendental to close the sale. In addition, it was identified that administrators want to change the infrastructure as a key factor to strengthen their image and differentiate themselves from the competition. The correct management of commercial negotiation at the point of sale, maximizes the amount of sales and it achieves greater interaction with tourists.


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Muso, F., Mancheno, M., & Quisimalín, H. (2020). Merchandising: an invisible factor in the touristic sector. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(3), 165-183.


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