Elimination of prison benefits for individuals persons deprived of their liberty for trafficking in substances subject to inspection

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Bryan David Freire-Muicela


The scheduled substances subject to control are those listed in the annex to the Organic Law on the Comprehensive Prevention of the Socio -Economic Phenomenon of Drugs and the Regulation and Control of the Use of Scheduled Substances Subject to Control, which are classified as: a. Narcotics; b. Psychotropic; c. Chemical precursors; and, specific chemical substances. These substances are legally prohibited within the legal system since they do not allow people to actor develop in a normal and conscious manner, which is why these substances have led people to commit large -scale crimes such as drug trafficking, that is That is why the State must implement more drastic sanctions for people who commit this crime, since it is a crime that, when allowed to continue operating, will gain more strength every day until it reaches the point of becoming involved in the political coffers and operating from within a government, where its track.ing will be almost impossible, what is more, the State must eliminate the benefits that currently exist for those people who are sentenced for the crime of selling scheduled substances subject to control since the penitentiary benefit is the social rehabilitation process of the sentenced person who complies with the requirements and standards of the progressive system to carry out his or her activity outside the center for the execution of sentences in a manner controlled by the Technical Agency. Family, work, social and community integration activities will be carried out. These people must not only serve their entire sentence, but it must also be mandatory to pay for the damage done to the State. This crime covers a large number of crimes that come after the sale of drugs, but the most significant is that they attempt to against public health, a right enshrined in the constitution and a crime of outrage, the constitutional right should not have any benefit that the law grants.


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How to Cite
Freire-Muicela , B. . (2024). Elimination of prison benefits for individuals persons deprived of their liberty for trafficking in substances subject to inspection. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 245-257. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2286
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Bryan David Freire-Muicela , Afiliado al Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Loja - Ecuador

Lawyer graduated from the National University of Loja in 2020, he completed his Master's studies in Criminal Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in 2023 with his thesis titled: Elimination of penitentiary benefits for people deprived of liberty due to trafficking of substances subject to control, currently a professional in free practice with 3 years of experience. 


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