Educational inclusion and attention to diversity in basic education in Ecuador

Main Article Content

Rosa Germania Simbaña-Palaguaray
Jenny Elizabeth Montenegro-Del Pezo
Natalia Elisabet Robles-Espinoza
Fedra Vanesa Muñoz-Valencia


In this essayistic approach, the research focused on educational inclusion and attention to diversity in basic education in Ecuador. The main objective was to analyze the level of inclusion and understand the barriers that exist to achieve equitable and quality education for all students. The study was conducted based on bibliographic sources, allowing the identification of strengths and weaknesses in the educational system in terms of inclusion and attention to diversity. The results indicate that although progress has been made in educational inclusion, there are still significant challenges. It is necessary to have more resources, specialized teacher training, and appropriate curricular adaptations to ensure inclusive education. The conclusions highlight the importance of promoting policies and strategies that foster inclusion and address the individual needs of students. Emphasis is placed on the need to generate a cultural change in society and educational institutions to value diversity as an enriching resource. These findings from interpretive dimensionshave theoretical and practical implications. At the theoretical level, they contribute to the development of new approaches and conceptual frameworks in the field of educational inclusion. At the practical level, recommendations are provided to improve educational policies, teacher training, and pedagogical practices. Finally, this study emphasizes the importance of advancing towards a more inclusive and equitable education in basic education in Ecuador. It requires a joint commitment from educational authorities, teachers, students, and society as a whole to achieve true educational inclusion and attention to diversity.  


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How to Cite
Simbaña-Palaguaray, R., Montenegro-Del Pezo , J. ., Robles-Espinoza , N. ., & Muñoz-Valencia , F. . (2023). Educational inclusion and attention to diversity in basic education in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(6-1), 28-36.
Author Biographies

Rosa Germania Simbaña-Palaguaray , Unidad Educativa “Cardenal Carlos María de la Torre” - Ecuador

I am Rosa Germania Simbaña, Master in University Teaching and Educational Administration, teacher with appointment in en la Unidad Educativa “Cardenal Carlos María de la Torre del Quinche in Language and Literature area”, I have been working for 20 years of service to children and youth I innovate and research about inclusive education and attention to diversity in Basic Education in Ecuador.

Jenny Elizabeth Montenegro-Del Pezo , Unidad Educativa “Teodoro Wolf” - Ecuador

My name is Jenny Elizabeth Montenegro Del Pezo, born in the Province of Santa Elena, I have 23 years of service as a teacher and 6 years of experience as vice-rector of Unidad Educativa Otto Arosemena. I studied primary school at the Teodoro Wolf School, secondary school at the Guillermo Ordoñez Gómez Educational Unit and my studies as a Teacher and Bachelor of Science in Education Specialization in Chemical Biology at the University of Guayaquil. Postgraduate studies are carried out at the Business Technological University of Guayaquil with a Master's Degree in Design and Evaluation of Educational Models. 

I have received plaques for good performance in my work as Vice-Rector and teacher. I have taken Didactics and strengthening courses in the +area of ​​Natural Sciences with continuous training according to technological advances 

Natalia Elisabet Robles-Espinoza , Fondos de Cesantía del Magisterio - Ecuador

Natalia Elisabet Robles Espinoza 

Work in the city of Loja 

Current second-year teacher at the Monseñor “Juan María Riofrío” School with a 10-year career within the Ecuadorian Teaching Industry. 

My basic education teacher title 

And a graduate in educational sciences. 

Diploma in Educational Needs. 

I feel happy to be publishing an Educational article.

Fedra Vanesa Muñoz-Valencia , Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

Fedra Vanesa Muñoz Valencia. I received my education as a teacher at the A.P.G Institute, to obtain a degree at U.T.P.L I conducted research in extracurricular tasks, then I was appointed general inspector of the Juan R. Figueroa school, I obtained a Master Degree in Distant Education E learning at Caribean International University where I gave a presentation on the article Collaborative Learning in Virtual Worlds like Second Life, after becoming a Master's Degree in International Teacher Training, the Master's Thesis consisted of writing The Improvement Plan of the Provincial Council Educational Unit, I was appointed rector of Colegio Rumania, I currently work as a teacher at the Juan Figueroa school. 


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