The school as a new space of knowledge: from the cognitive to action

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Lidia Marisol Haro-Oña
María Marcia Estela Chamorro-Chuquín
Andrea Estefanía Muñoz-Castillo
Diana Elizabeth Moreno-Flores


This article focuses on the importance of the school in Ecuador as a space, which surpasses the academic approach, becoming an environment conducive to action and the practical application of acquired knowledge. Meanwhile, its purpose is to analyze in a critical-reflective manner how the school in Ecuador can become a bridge of connection between academic knowledge and action, promoting meaningful and relevant learning in its students. Firstly, the traditional approach is examined, focused on the transmission of theoretical knowledge with a limited and bookish vision, which can be unmotivating and far from reality after proposing a school that promotes the practical application of knowledge. In summary, the research highlights the importance of considering educational work as a new space of knowledge that promotes action and practical application of knowledge, in synergy with families and the community in terms of promoting autonomous and motivating learning, which prepares comprehensively to Ecuadorian students to face the challenges of today's world; From such conclusive ideas emerge a set of projections that are presented in the closing of this ontological and epistemological approach. 


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How to Cite
Haro-Oña, L., Chamorro-Chuquín , M. M., Muñoz-Castillo , A. ., & Moreno-Flores , D. . (2023). The school as a new space of knowledge: from the cognitive to action . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(6-1), 16-27.
Author Biographies

Lidia Marisol Haro-Oña, FDU UTN, Magisterio Ecuatoriano - Ecuador

She was born in Quito City, Pintag Parish, on March 17, 1982. She completed her Master's in Early Education at the Central University of Ecuador from 2014 to 2017. Currently pursuing a PhD at the National University of Rosario (UNR), her professional journey includes roles as a teacher and director at the Miguel Ángel León in Tolóntag School. Currently, she serves as the Rector of UEF Antisana and a teacher at UTN.

María Marcia Estela Chamorro-Chuquín , Consejo de la Judicatura - Ecuador

María Marcia Estela Chamorro Chuquín graduated as an early education teacher from the Universidad Técnica del Norte in 2013. Later, she worked as an early education teacher in several public schools in the province of Imbabura. In 2014, he entered the Central University of Ecuador to pursue a master's degree in Early Childhood Education. He graduated in 2017 with a thesis on family functioning and socio-emotional development of children aged 3 – 6 years who enter the recreational room of the Multicompetent Judicial Unit of the Antonio Ante canton. 

Currently, she works as a Kindergarten in the recreational room in the Antonio Ante Multicompetent Judicial Unit. 

Andrea Estefanía Muñoz-Castillo , Magisterio Ecuatoriano - Ecuador

He was born in the City of Quito, on February 13, 1992. He completed his Master's Degree in Educational Management at the Yacambú University in 2023. He is currently pursuing his PhD at the Yacambú University. 

She worked as a teacher for 8 years and is currently Deputy Director of the “Cristóbal Colón” Basic Education School. 

Diana Elizabeth Moreno-Flores , Magisterio Ecuatoriano - Ecuador

He was born in the city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo, Veloz parish on November 16, 1985, he completed his higher education at the Juan de Velasco Higher Technological Institute 2009-2012, he is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Educational Management at the Yacambú University, his career At work, he was a teacher in the ABC Project accelerated education for young people and adults at the Provincia de Chimborazo School, a teacher at the Nicolás Aguilera School and currently a teacher at the UEF Antisana. 


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