The violation of the principle of no self-incrimination and the abbreviated procedure and its impact on the Ecuadorian due process

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Leslie Aramiz Ponce-Novoa


This scientific article focuses on the vulnerability of the principle of non-self-incrimination in Ecuadorian abbreviated proceedings and the consequent influence on due process. Concerns about the coercion and pressure exerted on defendants to obtain self-incriminating statements, the lack of adequate legal advice, and the lack of understanding of the legal consequences of abbreviated procedures are highlighted in an analysis of real cases. The results highlight the need for legal and practical reforms that provide greater protection of the fundamental rights of the accused and seek a balance between procedural efficiency and fairness in Ecuador's judicial system. Finally, the importance of a more equitable and rights-respecting legal system in which the principle of non-self-incrimination is fully implemented is emphasized in order to preserve the integrity of due process in Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Ponce-Novoa, L. . (2024). The violation of the principle of no self-incrimination and the abbreviated procedure and its impact on the Ecuadorian due process. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 102-110.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Leslie Aramiz Ponce-Novoa, Abogada en libre ejercicio - Ecuador

I am currently a Lawyer in free practice for about three years, I have several trainings from the Judiciary Council, and with the conviction of continuing to forge justice is that through the Master of Criminal Law those violated rights can be effectively restored. 


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