Analysis of the Reliability Indices of the Crude Desalter (Two-Phase Separator) V-320 at Block 12 PETROECUADOR Based on the Weibull Distribution

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Mónica Alexandra Carrión-Cevallos
Mario Estuardo Panchez-Gualli
Javier Edmundo Jaramillo-Ortega


The maintenance and conservation of oil equipment in Ecuador is of great importance for its optimal operation. Technological advancements and the increasing complexity of technical systems have led to the search for alternative maintenance strategies that allow predicting the behavior of machines. For this reason, the present study aims to determine the Reliability Indices of the Two-Phase Separator (Crude Desalter) V-320 of Block 12 Petro Ecuador based on the Weibull Distribution. The methodology used was an analysis of equipment downtime due to failure based on its logbook. From 2010 to 2023, there were 21 corrective maintenance data points, from which the time of proper operation was extracted for analysis. All data points were used for this study, and they were linearized on the Weibull logarithmic sheet to determine two parameters: α (characteristic life parameter) and β (scale or shape parameter), which are parameters of the Weibull distribution. The calculation of the α and β parameters resulted in 5588 h and 1.29, respectively, allowing us to predict the probability of proper operation (reliability) or malfunction (unreliability) over a specific period, which can vary according to the equipment maintenance planning needs. It is concluded that the Weibull analysis is a predictive maintenance tool applied to estimate the probability based on measured data. 


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How to Cite
Carrión-Cevallos , M., Panchez-Gualli , M. ., & Jaramillo-Ortega, J. . (2024). Analysis of the Reliability Indices of the Crude Desalter (Two-Phase Separator) V-320 at Block 12 PETROECUADOR Based on the Weibull Distribution . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 906-914.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Mónica Alexandra Carrión-Cevallos , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Carlos Cisneros - Ecuador

Industrial Maintenance Engineer 

Master in Industrial Safety 

International presentation at the annual congress on Maintenance and Management of Cativos Argentina (2016) 

International presentation at the annual Maintenance Engineering Congress in Peru (IPEMAN) (2017) 

Master of Maintenance thesis director 

Master's Thesis Advisor in Maintenance 

Mario Estuardo Panchez-Gualli , PETROECUADOR - Ecuador

Industrial Maintenance Engineer 

Master in Renewable Resources 

Plant Operator at Petroecuador 

Master's student in Project Management and Direction 

Javier Edmundo Jaramillo-Ortega, Instituto Tecnológico Superior Carlos Cisneros - Ecuador

Javier Jaramillo is a Mechanical Engineer with a Master's Degree in Mechanical Design. He has experience in maintenance of pumping systems and supervision for the construction of facilities in oil fields, machine design and management of manufacturing processes in conventional and CNC machine tools.. 


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