Principle of minimum criminal intervention in the crime of tax fraud in Ecuador – 2022- 2023

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Melanie Gabriela Arroyo-Carrascal


It is the duty of citizens to pay taxes, to result in the proper functioning of the country, since with the payment of these public services, security, health, education, among other contributions, are maintained for the progress of the country and thus be able to improve the quality of life. Tax Fraud is of mixed category, as it is a crime of injury, but it can also represent one of danger.  In Ecuador, it corresponds to the intention of the taxpayer to deceive the State in the amounts to be taxed, in order to seek his own benefit or that of a third party and thus affecting the power to collect.   However, due to the principle of minimum criminal intervention, it is the obligation of the collecting entity to seek alternative methods, before initiating criminal proceedings against the taxpayer, seeking that the penalty is proportional to the seriousness of the conduct. In this research, a comparative approach will be used to analyze the treatment of tax fraud by the tax administrations of different countries, in this case, Ecuador and Colombia. This approach makes it possible to examine the strategies and methods used before resorting to criminal proceedings. Through this comparative research, it is possible to gain valuable insights into best practices, potential challenges, and opportunities for improvement in fraud management. 


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How to Cite
Arroyo-Carrascal, M. . (2024). Principle of minimum criminal intervention in the crime of tax fraud in Ecuador – 2022- 2023. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1), 636-654.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Melanie Gabriela Arroyo-Carrascal, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Student of the Master's Degree in
Criminal Law at the Pontificia Universidad
Católica del Ecuador - Manabí Campus.


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