Public Companies as an Intervention Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the Locality

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José Alejandro Moreira-Torres


The investigation has as it investigate reason, interpretate the main conceptual proposals of a public company, which contributes to the local sustained development; to reach this purpose, the next directrices are stablished: Identify the theorics postures that gives support to a public company; reflect about the sustained development proposal from a local vision. It’s methodology is from a qualitative focus, with a phenomenology type paradigm, supported on an inductive method with an interpretation-descriptive strategy, using denominated Fundament Theory (Straus y Corbin), like an strategy of development analysis support; the analysis unit is the Public Company Manabí Produce, it also counts with the perception of three experts relationated on themes about public companies and local sustained development, to whose was applicated a profundity interview. The hermeneutic method use has been vital to reach a process of categorization, in the result a central propose: Public Companies as a strategy of intervention for a local sustained development; through this a strategy is configurated that permits to the Study Unit of this investigation to propose new ways of administration, such as the possibility of transform the business idea of the own public company.


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How to Cite
Moreira-Torres, J. . (2024). Public Companies as an Intervention Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the Locality . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1), 513-526.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

José Alejandro Moreira-Torres , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

I am a lawyer. I am an independent worker at the moment. I have worked as a legal adviser in some companies. I have also acquired some knowledge in public institutions externally, about legal and administrative topics. Academically, I haven’t done investigation works such as projects or scientist articles. 


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