Determination of the Brand Equity Profile of Santa Martha, Community, Sana Sana, and Economic Pharmacies in the DMQ
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This research analyzed the value of the Santa Martha, Comunitarias, Sana Sana and Económicas pharmacy brands from the consumers' perspective through the identification of the main differentiation strategies of each one of them, in order to understand the relationship between brand preference and evaluation of the different attributes they present to their public, recognizing the attitudinal components of the value of pharmacy brands and detecting those that are considered direct competition. The research was descriptive, of transversal and bibliographic temporality, with qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of results obtained after the adaptation of the instrument: brand value based on the seven-component consumer (VMC7) developed by Dr. Jorge Vera Martínez. We worked with an intentional sample of 384 people over 18 years of age from the Metropolitan District of Quito. It was found that the most valuable components for each pharmacy are Sana Sana: "Satisfaction", Económicas "Perceived Quality", Comunitarias "Loyalty" and Santa Martha "Value of Use". It was verified that there are direct competitors: Sana Sana - Económicas and Comunitarias - Santa Martha. In the end, Sana Sana is the brand with the highest value, followed by Económicas, then by Comunitarias and, lastly, Santa Martha, which is the great surprise of recent years. The attributes, components, and reagents of a brand at the pharmaceutical level must be analyzed from various perspectives, since providing a quality pharmaceutical service with warmth requires optimal planning and management that considers all the customer's needs.
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