Critical Analysis of the Violation of the Right to Life of People Deprived of Liberty in the Turi Social Rehabilitation Center

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Juan Fernando Lazo-Sisalima
Bernardo Xavier Monsalve-Robalino


The situation of the disciplinary regime in Ecuador is alarming, the levels of crime and corruption have caused the institutionality of the prison system to collapse and be immersed in the worst crisis that the country has experienced in the last 25 years. The incompetence of the state authorities of the last periods of government was reflected within the rehabilitation centers where several people, including inmates, prison authorities, logistics and security personnel, have been exposed in their physical and psychological integrity or causing death. death inhumanely. Ecuador's domestic legislation, supported by ratified international treaties and conventions, guarantees fundamental rights to all people, including people deprived of their liberty in the priority care group. The State is responsible for the crisis that took place in the Turi social rehabilitation center by failing to observe constitutional and international standards of human rights, the ineffectiveness and incompetence of the government have directly affected security within the prisons and the State is the one obliged to protect this vulnerable group within society. Therefore, the violation of the right to life is determined. An inductive-deductive investigation was carried out through a systematic review of bibliographies in legal doctrine and national and international legislation that allowed us to specify its responsibility. 


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How to Cite
Lazo-Sisalima, J. ., & Monsalve-Robalino , B. . (2024). Critical Analysis of the Violation of the Right to Life of People Deprived of Liberty in the Turi Social Rehabilitation Center . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1), 320-332.
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Author Biographies

Juan Fernando Lazo-Sisalima, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

I am a 21-year-old law student, I have participated in several conferences on criminal, constitutional and civil law, I work in a law firm as an intern. I have written several academic articles within the University and it is the first time that I am going to publish one. 

Bernardo Xavier Monsalve-Robalino , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

My name is Bernardo Xavier Monsalve Robalino, a 32-year-old lawyer specialized in Criminal Law. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD at the University of Nuevo León, focused on Therapeutic Justice for Addict Offenders. I hold a Master's degree in Criminal Law. My career has been oriented towards teaching at the Catholic University of Cuenca, where I have taught subjects such as Criminal Science and Criminal Procedural Law. I have also been a tutor teacher in the Master's program in Procedural Criminal Law. My mission is to strengthen the judicial system through education and research. 


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