The special contribution for rural road improvement in the province of Manabí, and its impact on the income budget of the provincial government, year 2021
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The objective of this research study is to analyze the incidence of the special contribution for rural road improvement in the income budget of the Decentralized Autonomous Government (GAD) of the province of Manabí in the year 2021. Therefore, a framed article is developed in a quantitative correlational methodology, applying documentary review and survey as data collection techniques, the latter to 6 key informants belonging to the GAD administration of Manabí. Among the most important results, it stands out that there is a regular significant correlation between the variables, so that, for the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the province of Manabí, the collection of special contribution for the improvement of rural roads is important, due to that the resources obtained by the institution enter favorably into the administration's budget, becoming a strengthening for the execution of investment works by promoting the quality of life and development of the region. Therefore, they establish a set of strategies that have allowed them to achieve the objectives and goals established for collection in recent years.
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