Process of Manufacturing Footwear with Authentic Lamb’s Wool Fiber in the Salasaka Culture

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Christian Daniel Cortez-Viteri
John Omar Ortega-Arcos
Jorge Eduardo Sevilla-Guananga
Walter Santiago Chaglla-Chango


The research project focused on the development of a collection of women's footwear using natural fiber from sheep wool of the Salasaka culture, this collection was made through hand weaving and looms. it is descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, for the collection of information and data. Prior to this, prototypes were designed and created using natural fiber from sheep. Sixty-eight people were surveyed, and 72% indicated that sheep wool can be used as a material for shoehorn manufacture. In addition, 60% stated that this type of woven footwear is innovative, and 90% would be willing to purchase it. Based on this, this product was developed by combining materials such as wool and looms, which attract the consumer's attention due to their colors and, above all, their co-modality. It is important to know the profile of the consumer to whom this footwear is directed, as well as the needs it satisfies. In conclusion, the research project strengthens the eco-nomy and generates new sources of employment, promoting the development and growth of the Salasaka culture. 


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How to Cite
Cortez-Viteri , C. ., Ortega-Arcos, J., Sevilla-Guananga , J. ., & Chaglla-Chango , W. . (2024). Process of Manufacturing Footwear with Authentic Lamb’s Wool Fiber in the Salasaka Culture . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1), 360-368.
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Author Biographies

Christian Daniel Cortez-Viteri , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Christian Daniel Cortez Viteri was born in Ambato on August 21, 1981, in this same town he completed his primary and secondary studies, since childhood he showed a desire for intellectual improvement, later he obtained his degree in Business Administration at the Technical University of Ambato and a Masters in Business Administration at the Technical University of Ambato, also in order to continue updating his knowledge he entered the program entitled principles for global competitiveness and productivity San Juan Diego Global University Awards Los Angeles California, currently a teacher in higher education. 

John Omar Ortega-Arcos , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

My name is John Ortega, I have my Technologist degree in shoe design, my specialty is in the manufacture of all types of footwear, additionally I have assigned subjects such as: Modeling and cutting and Product development, I also have a bachelor's degree in basic education. 

Jorge Eduardo Sevilla-Guananga , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Jorge Eduardo Sevilla G. Footwear design technologist, specialized in the Design and Production of casual, formal, urban and sports footwear for men, women and children, with vast experience in the field of Footwear Production. 

Currently I am working on the subject of advising Shoe Companies and Teaching at the ISTT in the city of Ambato, within the shoe manufacturing career. 

Walter Santiago Chaglla-Chango , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Santiago Chaglla, born in the province of Tungurahua city of Ambato on May 30, 1988, higher education at the Technical University of Ambato, obtaining the title of Engineer in processes and fashion design and master's degree in Design and innovation of footwear at the Technical University of Ambato and Ciatec of Mexico, work positions in major companies in the city as manager of design and product development, currently teaching at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua, additional owner of the microenterprise where he works footwear and Racing products for Rally racers at the National level. 


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