Knowledge Management and Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Teaching in the Faculty of Accounting Sciences at the Peruvian Public University

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Raúl Jesús Vergara-Moncada


The objective of this research study is to determine how the Knowledge Management Model affects Information and Communication Technology to strengthen teaching at the Faculty of Accounting Sciences at a Peruvian Public University. Regarding the problematic situation, it is necessary to strengthen the teacher's digital skills according to a survey carried out at a Public University in Peru. Regarding the Methodology, it was quantitative, descriptive, explanatory, transversal and non-experimental in design where techniques and instruments were applied that helped collect information using Google Forms and the SPSS statistical software. As a result, it was obtained that 45.76% totally agree and 44.07% agree with the knowledge management model, 6.78% neither agree nor disagree, 1.69% disagree and 1 .69% totally disagree with the knowledge management model. It was concluded that the Knowledge Management Model affects Information and Communication Technology to strengthen teaching. 


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How to Cite
Vergara-Moncada , R. . (2024). Knowledge Management and Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Teaching in the Faculty of Accounting Sciences at the Peruvian Public University. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1), 5-14.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Raúl Jesús Vergara-Moncada , Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - Perú

Chartered Public Accountant. PhD Candidate in Accounting and Business Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. mg. Professional in the Accounting and Tax area Diploma in Competency Assessment, University Teaching, Development of Thinking Skills, and another in Didactics for the Achievement of Autonomous Learning. Research Professor at the National University of San Marcos. 


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