New Public Management Model in Hospital Administration from an Institutional Governance Perspective

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Evelyn Alejandra Bravo-Cedeño
Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez


The purpose of the research has been to contextualize the principles of institutional governance that allow its viability of the New Public Management model, its specific guidelines: To identify the principles of institutional governance from the vision of its main theoreticians; to reflect from the theoretical discourse the current context of the New Public Management model. The methodological design is based on the phenomenological-interpretative paradigm, whose approach is qualitative, descriptive and inductive, as well as documentary, naturalistic (field) and non-experimental; The key informants have been experts on the subject, the use of triangulation has been relevant to compare postulates (referents), experiences (interviewees) and criteria (authors of this work), as well as the corresponding theoretical saturation of the topics addressed. The hermeneutic method (Gadamer) has facilitated the process of understanding, comprehending and interpreting the meaning of the discourse and its link with the unit of study (IESS Hospital of Manto canton (Province of Manabí), in which its particularity contributes to the final proposal of good praxis. The findings, expressed in the axial matrix, are a sign of the behavior of the thematic studied, and its applicability in the spaces in which the public administration has direct responsibilities. The good praxis that emerges is: Governance in health from the conception of the NGP, which is projected to be very useful for the IESS Hospital in Manto canton (Province of Manabí). 


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How to Cite
Bravo-Cedeño , E. ., & Vegas-Meléndez , H. . (2023). New Public Management Model in Hospital Administration from an Institutional Governance Perspective . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(6), 317-332.
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Author Biographies

Evelyn Alejandra Bravo-Cedeño , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Ecuadorian graduated as an Economist from the Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University, Master in Public Administration from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí campus, currently with experience in the administrative area in the Health sector. 

Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Venezuelan, with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Master's in Political Science and Public Administration, PhD in Administrative and Management Sciences, postdoctoral studies in Management and Public Policies. Teacher and Researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí campus. Coordinator of the Master's in Public Administration and Director of Research at PUCEM. 


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