The Legal Institution of the Urgent Act and its Legal Scope in the Procedures of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code.

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Héctor Mauricio Camacho-Ordoñez


Criminal law governs the use of the State's punitive and preventive powers. Its objective is not only to punish actions that cause any damage to legal property, but also to contain and restrict that power, maintaining the hegemony of a constitutionally just and rights-respecting State. The urgent need to consolidate the current punitive legislation, which was previously dispersed in the Ecuadorian legal system and whose primary requirement is reflected in the security of the legal system, in a single text gave rise to the Organic Integral Criminal Code (COIP). The purpose of this study is to analyze the Legal Institution of the Urgent Act and its legal scope in the procedures of the Organic Integral Criminal Code. The methodology applied was the judicial exegetics consisting of the documentary bibliographic review, as a technique the bibliographic file was applied with which the bibliometric analysis could be carried out for the respective analysis. In conclusion, it must be concluded that in the urgent act the provisions of the COIP are aimed at protecting human rights, while at the same time working to restrict them; They also consist of guaranteeing victims’ comprehensive reparation and maintaining the proportionality of the penalty. Consequently, the criminal justice system needs to be updated theoretically and conceptually to better support regional and global social development processes. This includes constantly evaluating concepts such as: minimum criminal intervention, opportunity, favorability, and other legal concepts such as the imprescriptibility of certain crimes, penalties for legal persons and conditional suspension of sentence, among other issues. 


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How to Cite
Camacho-Ordoñez , H. . (2023). The Legal Institution of the Urgent Act and its Legal Scope in the Procedures of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(5), 733-751.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Héctor Mauricio Camacho-Ordoñez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

I worked as an investigative agent duly accredited by the State Attorney General's Office, I worked as a National police Commissioner in Portoviejo, as I was also in charge of the Manabí Police General Intendancy 


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