User-Oriented Business Model for the Installation of a Photovoltaic Generation System

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Melinton Ricardo Trujillo-Núñez
Eduardo Luis Calo-Villalva
Gendry Daniel Solís-Pastor


The study focuses on analyzing the perception of a business model based on the installation of a photovoltaic generation system for the validation of its commercialization in the center of the country. For this, a personalized solar energy solution was exposed that satisfies their energy needs at an affordable price and complying with the existing regulation, business models must adapt to the different changes that allow them to be competitive and also offer an optimal benefit. service that guarantees the development of a sustainable society in the future. A business model seen from the user for the installation of a photovoltaic generation system is beneficial for both users and the environment, likewise the results show a significant increase in the adoption of photovoltaic systems by users, which that supports the effectiveness of the proposed business model. It is concluded that this user-centered approach is crucial to drive the transition towards renewable and sustainable energy sources. 


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How to Cite
Trujillo-Núñez , M. ., Calo-Villalva, E. ., & Solís-Pastor, G. . (2023). User-Oriented Business Model for the Installation of a Photovoltaic Generation System . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(6), 515-525.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Melinton Ricardo Trujillo-Núñez , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

My name is Melinton Ricardo Trujillo Núñez, Electronic Engineer in Control and Industrial Networks. 

My human, academic and labor training has focused on Electronic Engineering and Process Automation, with experience in handling electrical and electronic equipment and software. I currently impart knowledge as a teacher at the Tungurahua Higher Technological Institute in the Electricity career. 

Eduardo Luis Calo-Villalva, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

My name is Eduardo Luis Calo Villalva, I am an Electronics and Communications Engineer with a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence. 

My human, academic and labor training has focused on Radio Frequency Engineering, Telecommunications Project Management applied to 2G (GSM), 3G (UMTS) and 4G (LTE and LTE Advance) mobile networks, with experience in managing telecommunication equipment and data networks. I am currently a teacher at the Tungurahua Higher Technological Institute in the Electricity major. 

Gendry Daniel Solís-Pastor, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

My name is Gendry Daniel Solís Pastor, I am an Electromechanical Engineer. 

Expert in the design, development, implementation of industrial control and process automation, according to the rise and advance of new technologies. 

Additionally, I work as a Higher Education Teacher in the electricity area, during my experience in the pedagogical field it has allowed me to develop several implementations of thesis projects. 


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