Concurrent Design Applied to the Study of the Automation of a Briquetting Machine

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Verónica Marisol Gallo-Caiza
Pamela Monserrath Espejo-Velasco
Santiago Javier Álvarez-Tobar


The object of study was to design an automatic control machine for the manufacture of briquettes, through empirical research referential data was taken for the production of sawdust and shaving briquettes as an energy source. The functional analysis was used which allowed to establish the 5 modules that are part of the machine, in the design phase the materials and dimensions of each of the modules were defined with the help of the SolidWork tool, through the weighted criteria technique. the detail phase of the mechatronic system was carried out, where electrical-electronic elements and mechanisms were selected to help the automation proposal of the briquette machine, finally the programming sequence of the control unit was carried out by means of a grafcet diagram, in where the behavior of the inputs and outputs that the briquetting machine must comply with is presented. In conclusion, it can be indicated that the study of the operating stages of the design of the briquetting machine was carried out, integrating the automation devices in order to optimize the production of briquettes and give added value to the waste of sawdust and shavings that is found frequently in factories and lumber industries. 


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How to Cite
Gallo-Caiza, V. ., Espejo-Velasco , P. ., & Álvarez-Tobar , S. . (2023). Concurrent Design Applied to the Study of the Automation of a Briquetting Machine . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(6), 502-514.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Verónica Marisol Gallo-Caiza , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

I am a Mechatronics Engineer, with a specialization in control systems and industrial automation. 

Expert in the development, implementation and programming of programmable controllers according to the advancement of technologies. 

Higher Level Teacher in the electrical area, during my experience in the pedagogical field it has allowed me to develop several Publications of scientific articles. 

Pamela Monserrath Espejo-Velasco , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

I am a Mechatronics Engineer, with a master's degree in control systems and industrial automation. 


She is an expert in the design, development, implementation of industrial control and process automation, according to the rise and advance of new technologies. 


Professor of Higher Education in the electrical and electronic area, during my experience in the pedagogical field it has allowed me to develop several Publications of scientific articles as well as presentations. 

Santiago Javier Álvarez-Tobar , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

I am a person capable of conceiving new alternatives with efficiency and effectiveness to acquire new knowledge in the labor field in different functional areas. With my 3rd and 4th level degrees, and my experience as a teacher in the University field has allowed me to be objective and persevering, in addition to having some publications in different media. 


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