Chiller Carrier: Costs of Applying Reliability-Centered Maintenance
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Reliability-centered maintenance is a precise and necessary methodology that contributes to ensure the operation of air conditioning equipment such as the chiller, widely used in large environments such as industrial facilities.
Therefore, the objective of this study determined the costs of reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) of the chiller carrier 30RB110, from the initial state of the equipment. The methodology used a quantitative approach and a quasi-experimental design based on the analysis of the initial situation of the equipment, through the use of measurement and control equipment to achieve the research objective.
Results were obtained from the initial situation of the equipment with a history of 23 failures and the need to change coils to ensure its operability; the availability of the chiller increased by 4%, reducing failures by 35% and costs by 85%, which means, in addition to greater functionality of the air conditioning equipment, a saving of money for the company. It is concluded in the importance of applying RCM technology in the air conditioning equipment chiller carrier 30RB110, for the decrease of the failure rate, a significant saving in time and money due to the costs for corrective maintenance and greater efficiency of the equipment.
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