The Right to Job Accessibility in the Chilean Educational System for School/University Teachers with Disabilities

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Diego Bernaschina-Cuadra


The aim of this essay seeks to analyze the greatest concern of future professionals with disability for perform the roles of inclusive teaching within the educational context for both school education (K-12) and higher education (university). There is no search for development on the issues of job accessibility and professional ethics for the right to inclusive education. Despite this negative vision for the challenges for teachers with disability in job accessibility with complete university studies (undergraduate and postgraduate) to support the job offer under Chilean law, assuming with the greatest contribution of the economic and political future with disability. In some syntheses of studies of teachers with disability to select the four criteria of Neca et al. (2020). In addition, the new strategies, and professional adaptations for teachers with disability to challenge the legal commitment of inclusive teaching. These proposals are adjusted to the different processes involved in the creation of laws, which represent the main mechanism through which the different branches of the State (Government, National Congress, and Supreme Court of Chile) collaborate in the elaboration of legal regulations. It is possible to create an inclusive environment to obtain multi-professional support with disability in various areas of educational contexts, especially to universities that hire teachers and researchers with disability on the observatory study of professional teachers in the inclusive education system in Chile. There is no regularization of the Chilean law on labor inclusion to access and accredit the teaching role with disability within the school-university educational context; It is difficult towards a reflection on the current situation in Chile to process and make the greatest human consciousness through the impact on daily life in the inclusive society. 


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How to Cite
Bernaschina-Cuadra, D. (2023). The Right to Job Accessibility in the Chilean Educational System for School/University Teachers with Disabilities . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(6), 225-235.
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Author Biography

Diego Bernaschina-Cuadra, Investigador Independiente - Chile

Hard of hearing, visual artist, designer, teaching, and independent researcher. Master in Production and Artistic Research at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Bachelor of Arts, Design and Education, Professor in Art and Design at the INACAP Technological University of Chile. I have received several scholarships from the Government of Chile. I have participated in presentations, talks, both art, and education, in various publications, and in art exhibitions.


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