Curriculum of the discipline of human anatomy and its need for change

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Alan Mazzari


The history of blacks in Brazil has been a history marked by exclusion, despite having had a decisive participation in the construction of Brazilian society. Since the arrival of the first wave of Africans to be enslaved in sugar cane plantations in the captain of São Vicente in 1532 until the passage of the Golden Law in 1888 that banned slavery in Brazil, Blacks were, as has declared Antonil (1982) “the feet and hands of the lords of ingenuity”, but their role in the economic training social and cultural development of Brazil has not received in the history, its value and recognition. This absence of consideration of the participation of the black element in the history has contributed to the discrimination of the persons of dark skin, and this discrimination has caused very serious social reflexes, which it prevents, between other things, the democracy from being a full reality in the Brazilian society.


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How to Cite
Mazzari, A. (2017). Curriculum of the discipline of human anatomy and its need for change. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 2(2), 38-46. Retrieved from


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