Linguistic skills in foreign language of 7th year students. Case: Escuela Fiscal Adolfo Fassio, Guayaquil
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The objective of this work was to analyze the linguistic skills in a foreign language of 7th year students of the Adolfo Fassio Fiscal School, located in the city of Guayaquil, through actions carried out by the teacher, in order to facilitate training and student learning in foreign language fluency. Its methodology was supported by descriptive educational research, two tests were designed as instruments, the first was applied as a diagnostic test and the second, key English test, as a final test. 25 students participated. As results in the initial test, the learners showed a low level of English, especially in written expression. This test was approved by 25% of them. Consequently, the participants require improvement due to the insufficiency of knowledge in English writing and reading comprehension skills for their level, since 75% presented difficulties. In the final test it was found that 20 students showed improvement in the written expression of the language, compared to the initial test. In conclusion, there was an improvement in the students' written expression in English from the applied activities. The description of each of the aspects evaluated showed that communication skills in English are essential, as well as in any other language.
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