The violation of effective judicial protection due to the lack of verification of pre-existing bankruptcy proceedings

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Marcelo Javier Hernández-Tello
Diego Adrián Ormaza-Ávila


In this article, the violation of effective judicial protection generated by the lack of verification of the existence of other bankruptcy proceedings with respect to the same debtor was studied, ignoring the provisions of number 7 of Art. 423 of the General Organic Code of Processes, producing the coexistence of several trials by necessary competition with respect to an identical defendant. Through a synthetic analytical work, information has been reviewed and collected from the study of 40 bankruptcy proceedings, always supported by the theoretical foundation of scientific articles referring to bankruptcy, effective judicial protection and due process. The results obtained indicated the coexistence of bankruptcy proceedings initiated against the same debtor, which contravenes the legal regulations affecting effective judicial protection. Additionally, it was found that in the vast majority of cases, there has been no search within the databases of the computer system of the Judicial Function, nor any other type of reason or proof that the existence or not from other bankruptcy proceedings.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Tello, M. ., & Ormaza-Ávila, D. . (2023). The violation of effective judicial protection due to the lack of verification of pre-existing bankruptcy proceedings. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(6), 633-644.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Marcelo Javier Hernández-Tello, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Diego Adrián Ormaza-Ávila, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


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