Cultural Identity and Resignification of Culture in the Province of Santa Elena

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Wilson Alejandro Bernabé-Jara
Benjamín Wilson León-Valle


Cultural identity is of the utmost importance for the people and communities of Santa Elena because it plays a fundamental role in the way in which the individual perceives himself and how others perceive him. On the other hand, the resignification of culture is a vital and necessary process that implies giving new meanings and reinterpretations to existing cultural aspects and thus keeping alive the identity inherited from our ancestors. The objective of this document is to identify the characteristics of cultural identity divided into four dimensions: cognitive, evaluative, affective, and behavioral, grouped into three components of ethnic identity such as: ethnic affirmation, elaboration or development of ethnic identity and ethnic behaviors, determining the possible factors that affect autochthonous social memory to take the necessary actions that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of cultural identity. The methodology has a mixed approach that involves processes of collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative information. The population sample corresponds to 388 respondents and 4 interviewed specialists. The results show us that, although the number of people who self-identify as indigenous people from the coast or Guancavilcas has increased (16,75%), the percentage is very low compared to those who consider themselves mestizos and whites (72,17%) this in itself generates an adverse factor related to the knowledge of ancestral culture in the life of the inhabitants of Santa Elena. 


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How to Cite
Bernabe-Jara, W., & León-Valle , B. (2023). Cultural Identity and Resignification of Culture in the Province of Santa Elena . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(6), 143-160.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Wilson Alejandro Bernabé-Jara , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer with a specialization in finance, graduated from the State University of the Santa Elena Peninsula, with five years of high school teaching experience, trainer in administration topics, public servant with experience in Human Talent Management, Planning, and public procurement, with a inclination towards the search for ancestral roots and the cultural legacy of our ancestors.

Benjamín Wilson León-Valle, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Research Teacher of the Higher Education System, accredited by SENESCYT, Graduate in Social Communication Sciences, Graduate in Education Sciences mention Andragogy, master’s in education, Master in Local Development, candidate for Doctor of Science, Mexico. Director of scientific research projects, Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate degree work projects, author and co-author of books, scientific articles, and career evaluator of the CES Higher Education Council. Theologian, Philosopher, Academic, Projector, expert in Endogenous Development issues. Member of Scientific Committees in several national and international congresses. Director of the Social Management and Development Career, and the Communication Career. Undergraduate and postgraduate professor at the Santa Elena Peninsula State University


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