Hierarchical Cluster Analysis: A Literature Review from Systems Theory

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Francisco Javier Andrade-Domínguez
Evelio Enrique Vivanco-Mejía
Carlos Eduardo Mera-Servigon
Marlene Amada Merizalde-Sellan


The objective of this research is to analyze the systems theory, in order to conceive its multidisciplinary application to the field of administrative sciences. The methodology is based on a bibliographic review of a database that allows a systematic identification and selection of sources of information related to systems. The results are based on the development of a logical and sequential scheme, using a dendrogram of variables that facilitates the elimination of redundancies among the various concepts explored. The novelty of the study lies in the development of a cluster of concepts with a cross-cutting approach to planning. The conclusions drawn from this research confirm that organizations are dynamic and changing entities that are inevitably influenced by their operating environment. Furthermore, the synergistic interaction of institutions from systematic perspectives of interrelated and interdependent isomorphisms is highlighted. 


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How to Cite
Andrade-Domínguez , F., Vivanco-Mejía , E., Mera-Servigon , C., & Merizalde-Sellan , M. . (2024). Hierarchical Cluster Analysis: A Literature Review from Systems Theory . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1), 268-274. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.1.2081
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Andrade-Domínguez , a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:5:"UNEMI";}Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte/Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador


Francisco Javier Andrade Domínguez is a researcher and professional in the field of economics and business management. He holds a Master's degree in Economics and Business Management, as well as another one in Socio Productive Project Management. With a strong background as an economist, his expertise and knowledge span various areas related to business management and socio-economic projects. 

Evelio Enrique Vivanco-Mejía , Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


Evelio Enrique Vivanco Mejía is a researcher and professional in the field of foreign trade. He holds a Master's degree in International Sciences and Diplomacy. He has work experience based on the private sector, public sector and academic sector within foreign trade. 

Carlos Eduardo Mera-Servigon , Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


Carlos Eduardo Mera Servigon is a researcher and professional in the field of foreign trade. He holds a Master's degree in Finance, mention in Taxation. He has work experience based in the private, public and academic sectors in foreign trade. 

Marlene Amada Merizalde-Sellan , Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


Marlene Amada Merizalde Sellan is a researcher and professional in the field of foreign trade. She holds a Master's degree in curriculum design and has work experience based in the academic field within foreign trade. 


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