Relationship Between Water Quality and the Health of the Inhabitants of the Portoviejo River, Manabí

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Diomedes Enrique González-Alcívar
Yamel de las Mercedes Álvarez-Gutiérrez


Anthropic activities worldwide generate alterations in the water quality of water basins, causing gastrointestinal diseases to those who are provided with the resource to survive, therefore the present research aimed to analyze the relationship between water quality and the health of the inhabitants of the Portoviejo River in the Santa Ana canton,  by obtaining three water samples in supply reservoirs, being stored in labeled containers and transported to the Quality Control Service Center (CESECCA) laboratory for physical, chemical and biological analysis; To determine the diseases caused by the consumption of water from the Portoviejo River, information was obtained from the parish health subcenter and 60 surveys were applied to the population to know the perception regarding the variables health and water quality. The results obtained show that the physical, chemical and biological parameters comply with the maximum permissible limits by Ecuadorian regulations, although according to the information obtained from the health subcenter of the Santa Ana canton it was evidenced that intestinal parasitosis is the most frequent disease, it is speculated that despite compliance with the maximum permissible limits (MPL) it is related to the consumption of water without prior treatment,  while the perception of citizens is high about the impact on health. 


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How to Cite
González-Alcívar , D. ., & Álvarez-Gutiérrez , Y. de las M. (2023). Relationship Between Water Quality and the Health of the Inhabitants of the Portoviejo River, Manabí . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 545-553.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Diomedes Enrique González-Alcívar , Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador

Forestry Engineer with research on the initial growth of four native forest species established in degraded areas and conducted a study related to water quality and the health of the inhabitants of the Portoviejo River, Manabí 

Yamel de las Mercedes Álvarez-Gutiérrez , Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador

Professor of Environmental Engineering career, Master in Environmental Administration, Diploma in Leadership, climate change and cities, Accredited Researcher Senescyt REG-INV-18-03287 Orcid:,  

PhD in Natural Resources and Sustainable Management at the University of Córdoba, Spain. Secretary of the Ibero-American network for the Environment REIMA A.C., Member of the Network for the conservation of biodiversity (CONSERBIO) in Spain, President of the Foundation for Research and Management of Natural Resources (FIGSO). 


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